Thursday, February 3, 2011


I just read through the story I started to write about three years ago, baad writing, but the plot is good, so I have decided to try again. I am developing new characters and a new story around it and I think its going really well, though maybie I just think that because I`m getting caught up with it. It often happenes that I really get in to a project it seems brilliant but if i relax from it and leave it for a couple of days and go back to it i see its so bad xD I hope this is not the case.
So the reason for why this has come up is because i have been ill for the last three days and have had nothing to do exept throw up, so ive been looking through my laptop files and I found it  xD and i'm glad I did, I havn't been writing for ages, and i enjoy it alot, so I hope this goes well...
Back to writing ^^


  1. Ooh, you'll have to let us read it ^^

  2. Haha yea If it ever gets anywhere, so far so good,but still... If I manage to get something good out of it I will let you read it sis xD
