Saturday, February 19, 2011

3 days...

I havn't really felt like posting anything recently
Nothing much has happened

I'm feeling sad today.
Saturdays are usually my favourite day, I look forward to it all week, because it is the day when I get to talk to my Darling all night long. But he has gone to his friends house for the weekend. The whole weekend. And aparently he wont be able to come online at all. This makes me so sad, talking to him always makes my week worthwhile, and i miss him so much. It feels so strange and lonely not to have him here.
No worries though hes not going to H's house*    >_<
He's gone to another friends house, "Angry Friend" we call him xD I forget why he was angry. We call him that because when Darling first talked about him the guy was anoyed about something, so when ever he refered to him after that  he would say "you know, that friend of mine who was angry" and from then we just ended up calling him "Angry Friend" or "Angry Nub" haha
So he has gone to the Angy Friends house, and he will be "hardcore gaming" as he sais >_>
He must be very concentrated because i sent him a text half an hour ago and he hasnt answered lol
Im not freaking about that or anything, don't worry, I just mention it because it is strange in him.
I really wish i could speak with him.
I miss him so much
But , suprisingly, im not feeling as bad about not beig able to talk to him as i usually would
Because I know I will be able to talk with him in 3 days
face to face ^^
I cant wait.
I am going to be with my Darling again, even if its only for a few days
But untill I can see him and be with him close and safe, I will still feel so lonely, and empty.

*"H" is the inicial of the girl I spoke about in a previous post -here-.


  1. Seeing him again in 3 days? Gosh, you're so lucky x3
    I hated when K went to stay at his friends for the weekend too :c But they need a life away from the computer too I guess (unfortunately ¬.¬ =P)
    Love ya sis <3

  2. haha yes, i have to keep reminding me that it cant all be about me always haha im so selfish sometimes.
    I cant wait to see him again Muahaha Love you too sis <3
