Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Every time...

Every time he leaves
It feels
like as if part of my soul is ripped out and killed
My heart is torn and shredded
Im falling to peices inside.

I die a little more
every time he walks away from me

Theres screaming in my head
My eyes are aching
pressure on my chest
as if someone is trying to force life out of me
Its not fair.
This is not how it should be
I cant breathe....

I would kill to be in your arms right now
Only you can stop the pain

My darling
It tore me apart to see the tears staining your face
My poor darling
My amazing beautifull loving darling
crying because it hurt so much to leave me...

I love you so much, its unbearable how much i miss you
You are Everyhting.

I wish so badly you were still holding me.
I need my Darling...


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bnKJjewcII&feature=related

    This song would always make me cry... but I thought you might like it anyway. I'll say no more and let it speak for itself.

  2. Aww its so pretty, and sad... thank you sis
